Welcome to Team EEAT! We do a twice monthly Friday Food Fest and this Friday is it! Come party with us in Etsy Chat rooms at 8pm EST. We have special sales, giveaways, and prizes available!
Hope to see you there!
Some more info:
What are "Secrets"? Team members will hide the word "Secret" in their shop listings. Once you find the secret, you get the deal that the shop owner has offered! It's like a scavenger hunt! Please, 1 secret per person per night!
Sales will be posted as received:
Double Dipped Sweets
6 FREE chocolate dipped oreos with every purchase
2 secrets: find one and win a $5 gift credit good in my shop!
Just Bakin'
3 FREE macaroons with each order
2 secrets for a $5.00 credit each
Sweet Treat Maryann
6 FREE toffee pretzels with any purchase
2 secrets for $5 gift credit for my store
Cakes by Sugarplums
Find the SECRET and get a $5.00 gift credit for any item in the shop.
$5 gift certificate for finding the "secret"
$5 gift certificate for game answer
bogo (same flavor) anything in my store for those in fff (including team members!!!)
3 FREE Cookie Dough Truffles with each purchase
1 secret: $5 gift credit good in my store
Free bag of Maggies Peanut Brindle with any purchase
1 secret good for $5 gift credit to anything in my shop
3 FREE Chocolate Covered Pretzels with any purchase
1 secret: $5 credit for my shop
Bogo of the equal or lesser value for 30% off
2 secrets: get a $5 gift credit good in my store!
Divine Canine
buy one get one free on all bakers dozen listings
1 secret, free Divine Canine Super sampler
Au Naturale Bake Shoppe
Choice of 3 free vegan HoBos or 3 free Gluten Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Muffcakes with any purchase OR with the finding of one of 3 SECRETS in my product descriptions!
3 secrets! Get a $5 gift credit good in my store!